Sunday, April 19, 2009

Should we exercise any form of censorship in the area of pornography?

Pornography, in today’s context, is one of the most lethal works of art known to man, powerful and bold, and like a drug, it is never enough, causing harm to one’s life. I do not believe that pornography is a degradation of a particular sex because obviously, pornography is not used as a stereotype for the entire population of a gender. Its purpose is for sexual enjoyment and can be found from VCDs sold in the darkest corners of the alley to the ever so open internet, but whether it becomes part of one’s life, is a test of control. Or is it natural for human beings to have a desire for the other sex? Still, we abstain from it since it is widely regarded as immoral due to its obscenity. So for what reasons do we have to or not exercise censorship in the area of pornography?

Watching pornography starts by trapping your heart, your mind, your soul. Being unable to resist picturing that slender or masculine figure regardless of form of pornography, focusing will become a challenge. Returning to the privacy of one’s home will become top priority (as long as there’s internet connection), all prior commitments are irrelevant. One’s mindset will also change; the processes that the brain makes will be different, affected by the tempting actions shown in pornography. Next, after an excessive amount of hormone secretion, the viewer may find that pornography is no longer addictive, even the most extravagant ones become dull. This doesn’t mean it stops here, to gain a more exciting insight the viewer will want to try these immoral actions himself. Entering the point of no return, where there is no chance to undo the actions he has done, destroying his future.

However, another reason why the viewer’s destiny becomes set in stone is due to society’s definition of what is acceptable and what is not, what should be allowed and what should not. Without this common mindset that if one does not dress decently (in this case do not dress), one has no dignity – which has no basis since we were born naked and all animals do not wear clothes – the implications of pornography wouldn’t be like as stated since everyone can accept it so explicit behavior will not become nothing special and won’t affect one’s life.

Even though I do not feel the need for preventing the access of pornography because I feel it is natural for humans to crave for beauty in the opposite sex just like all the other animals do, but the complicated society that we humans have created think that this above average sexual desires are wrong. Therefore, I strongly suggest the censorship of pornography, it does not have much or any positive effects at all but its negative impacts can be great in the society we live in today.

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