Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Science: a Menace to Civilisation?

People in developed countries live in states where science and technological developments are inevitable. For what reason is this so? Well these advances are suppose to improve human standards of living and make them happier. Saving time, improving comfort such luxury only about when we research deeper into how things work.

Some believe that ethics should be above everything and science is threatening this causing morals to change, but in fact ethics are defined by humans so there will always be ethics just different in different situations. So we cannot denounce that change in ethics is bad. We could use the society in Brave New World by George Orwell as an example. Who is to say that that society is a distopia? I say it is an utopia, this science has caused all the people to be happy in the present and in the future and that's perfect already. Just because they are conditioned to feel or think one way doesn't matter does it, they don't mind and other's don't mind. In fact, we in our current society are also being conditioned, who is to say that loyalty to one's country is a good value, it might lead to one's downfall for all we know, but we are "conditioned" to feel that way. For those people who realise this allow themselves to be conditioned this way is because this "value" would benefit them when other people are instilled with it too - they have to be an example.

To think blame science because it may cause harm due to the weapons they produce is also unreasonable. Not only is it that humans always want to be superior over another it is also because such technology already exists, just not discovered yet but human nature will cause such "horrible power" to be uncovered. If we could all settle our differences without losing one's cool, there would be no need for such technology. And just for this reason, arguing that science causes destruction is a pointless discussion, we should find ways to change man's mindset.

Don't blame science, blame mankind. Science is limitless, should we unleash it's full potential despite the possibility of destroying ourselves?

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